


我可以在 itunesconnect.apple.com 的元数据和上传"部分更改我的应用的屏幕截图,提交应用后?(起初我的应用在被拒绝后被苹果拒绝,我在应用程序中进行了一些更改,然后再次使用 iTunesconnect 中的准备上传二进制文件"按钮上传了新的二进制文件,同时他没有要求我更新屏幕截图..)

Can I change Screenshots of my app in the "Metadata and Uploads" section in itunesconnect.apple.com, after submission of app ? (At very first my app was rejected by apple after rejection, i made some changes in the app and then again uploaded new binary using "Ready to upload binary" button in iTunesconnect while uploading he didn't ask me for updating screenshots..)


If not then, do i need to reupload binary ?

我在itunesconnect中的当前状态显示Waiting for review

My current status in itunesconnect shows Waiting for review



Even more recently (who knows when...) apparently you can change screenshots again while the app is waiting for review.

最近(2015 年或更早),即使您的应用正在等待审核",您也无法更改屏幕截图.

More recently (2015 or earlier), you cannot change screenshots even while your app is "waiting for review."

您不得在应用获得批准后更改它们,所以要快.请参阅 Apple 的本新闻稿:

You are not allowed to change them after the app has been approved so be quick. See this news release by Apple:

这一举措被认为是一种阻止垃圾邮件发送者的方法 发布虚假应用,然后更改屏幕截图以模仿现有的流行应用.

This move is thought to be a way to deter spammers from posting a fake app and then changing the screenshot to mimic an existing popular app.