Phonegap Project不是通过php脚本创建的


I can create phonegap project on terminal when use phonegap create command but when i use php script to create phonegap project it is not creating not even display any error message or warning.

PHP :-

   try {
      $command = 'phonegap create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld';
   catch(Exception $ex) {
      echo $ex->getMessage();

Note: Above Problem is not about how to print exception or warning it is regarding to create phonegap project through php script

This is your code:

   try {
      $command = 'phonegap create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld';
   catch(Exception $ex) {
      echo $ex->getMessage();

Here is what i did.

1) I installed Phonegap CLI

2) I created the environment varible for the php.exe path

3) i create a folder c:\php\test.php with your code in that php file.

It worked.

I got a folder called "hello" with the respectable files in it.


As Exception is an object try print_r() function instead of echo.