

I am having difficulties sending the UDID from the iPhone to a PHP script to my MySQL database. I am not having a problem POSTing the data to the PHP script, but for some reason the PHP is not putting it into the database. I have tried entering "12343214312" as my example UDID and thats working, but the actual UDID is not for some reason. Is it some formatting mistake I am making?

Here is my code for the PHP:


    $udidfromiphone = $_POST['udidfromiphone'];
    //Connect To Database

    mysql_connect($hostname,$username, $password) OR DIE ('Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.');

$query = "INSERT INTO mydatabase VALUES ($udidfromiphone,'7')";
    echo "Values added";


In my MySQL, I have two fields, one for UDID which is a varchar(60) and another field which is an integer.


我很难将UDID从iPhone发送到PHP脚本到MySQL数据库。 我没有问题将数据发布到PHP脚本,但由于某种原因,PHP没有将它放入数据库。 我尝试输入“12343214312”作为我的示例UDID并且可以工作,但实际的UDID不是出于某种原因。 我正在制作一些格式错误吗? p>

这是我的PHP代码: p>

  $ udidfromiphone = $ _POST ['udidfromiphone']; 
 $ hostname ='HOSTNAME.db.7774297.hostedresource.com'; 
 $ username ='USERNAME'; 
 $ password ='  PASSWORD'; 
 $ dbname ='DBNAME'; 
 mysql_connect($ hostname,$ username,$ password)或DIE('无法连接数据库!请稍后再试。'); 
 mysql_select_db($  dbname); 
 $ query =“INSERT INTO mydatabase VALUES($ udidfromiphone,'7')”; 
 echo“values added”; 
 mysql_query($ query); 
 mysql_close()  ;  
  code>  pre> 


谢谢!! p> div>

INSERT INTO mydatabase VALUES ($udidfromiphone,'7')

When trying this with a number, the query becomes like this:

INSERT INTO mydatabase VALUES (12345678,'7')

That's valid SQL. A UDID consists of letters and numbers though, so the query will be like this:

INSERT INTO mydatabase VALUES (ABCDE12345FGHI,'7')

That's not correct SQL. Quote your strings:

INSERT INTO mydatabase VALUES ('$udidfromiphone','7')

Furthermore, this is prone to SQL injection. Escape your values. Google for "SQL injection", there's a ton of material about it out there.