


I'm attempting to make a large amount of Genetic data, a little more legible in Excel using VBA. I am trying to cut and paste every 7 cells that have data, after the 15th column, and drop them down under columns 8-15. The example of what I need is in the picture included. DATA EXAMPLE (RAW vs What i need it to look like) As you can see by the code, the real data is a little bigger. (At 680 rows and over 100 columns.)


When I try running the code, it is failing when it goes to paste the range of data into the new line. (error 1004)


Sub ShiftRows()

    Dim codingCol, startCol As Integer

    Dim LastRow As Integer
    Dim CurrentRow As Integer
    Dim LastCol, BeginCol As Integer
    Dim CurrentInsertRow As Integer

    LastRow = 2

    For CurrentRow = 680 To LastRow Step -1
        LastCol = 15
        Do While Cells(CurrentRow, LastCol) <> ""
        LastCol = LastCol + 1

    CurrentInsertRow = CurrentRow

    For BeginCol = 0 To ((LastCol - 15) / 7) - 1

        CurrentInsertRow = CurrentInsertRow + 1
        Rows(CurrentRow).Offset(1).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown
        Range(Cells(CurrentRow, 15 + (BeginCol * 7)).Address & ":" & Cells(CurrentRow, 15 + (BeginCol * 7) + 6).Address).Cut
        Range("H:N" & CurrentInsertRow).Paste

        Next BeginCol
    Next CurrentRow
End Sub


Range.Cut allows you to specify the paste range after it. Try something like:

Range("A1:A3").Cut Range("B10")


Where you substitute my range values for the ones you want.