如何使用Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices API DLL从联系人中读取物理地址


我需要使用Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices API DLL读取用户outlook中的所有联系人。我已经完成了阅读联系人的代码。但我很惊讶于阅读联系人的实际地址。另外我需要知道如何阅读联系人的电子邮件地址。



由于ExchangeService = GetExchangeService(),如果服务是Nothing,则退出Sub
Dim view As New ItemView(5000)
view.PropertySet = New PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly)

Dim findResults As FindItemsResults(Of Item)= service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts,查看)

对于每个项目作为项目在findResults.Items中调整itmContact As Contact = itm
Dim oContact As Contact = Contact.Bind(service,New ItemId(itmContact.Id) .UniqueId))

昏暗的姓氏为字符串= oContact.surname
dim givenn ame as string = oContact.givenname

Dim BusinessPhone as string = oContact.PhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone)

''物理地址 - ???
''EmailAddress1 - ??


  I need to read all the contacts from a users outlook using the  Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices API DLL. I had done the code to read the contacts. But i am struck with reading physical address of the contact. Also I need to know the how to read the email address1 of the contact.

Please send me the code to read the physical address like street, city, postal code, etc.,

Here is my below code to read the contacts.

 Dim service As ExchangeService = GetExchangeService()
        If service Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        Dim view As New ItemView(5000)
        view.PropertySet = New PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly)

        Dim findResults As FindItemsResults(Of Item) = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts, view)

        For Each itm As Item In findResults.Items
            Dim itmContact As Contact = itm
            Dim oContact As Contact = Contact.Bind(service, New ItemId(itmContact.Id.UniqueId))
             Dim surname as string = oContact.surname
             dim givenname as string = oContact.givenname

             Dim BusinessPhone as string = oContact.PhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone)

             ''Physical Address - ???
              ''EmailAddress1 - ??




You read (and write) physical addresses, e-mail addresses and IM addresses just the same you read/write phone numbers, except that physical addresses are not represented as simple strings:

oContact.EmailAddresses(EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1) = "someone@contoso.com"

Dim address As PhysicalAddressEntry = New PhysicalAddressEntry()
address.City = "Redmond"
address.CountryOrRegion = "USA"
address.PostalCode = "98052"
' More properties are available

oContact.PhysicalAddresses(PhysicalAddressKey.Home) = address
oContact.ImAddresses(ImAddressKey.ImAddress1) = "imaddress"