安装软件包时 VS2013 Microsoft.Bcl 警告



警告 2 项目必须安装 nuget 包 Microsoft.Bcl,版本=1.1.9.有关详细信息,请参阅 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=317570.

Warning 2 Project must install nuget package Microsoft.Bcl, version=1.1.9. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=317570.

我从 nuget 安装了这个包,但它的版本是 1.0.21,有人知道如何找到引用的版本以及为什么它不是从 nuget 安装的吗?

I have the package installed from nuget, but its version 1.0.21, anyone know how to find the version referenced and why it wasn't installed from nuget?

好吧,列出实际的包名称会更合适,即 Microsoft BCL Portability Pack.安装解决了警告的问题.

Well it would've been more appropriate to list the actual package name, which is Microsoft BCL Portability Pack. Installing that solves the issue of the warnings.