


I have some JavaScript that will look to see if a var is set, if it is set then do something if not don't.

if (reset === 'reset') {


reset is only set once the page has loaded. So this script will only execute after the user reloads the page.


If i open a new tab in firefox reset isn't set. If i open a new tab in chrome reset is set.


So for my case chrome handles it correctly and only on the first going to the site does this var get set and thus everything works correctly.


I want to know is do variables propagate across tabs and if so which browsers do what?

变量应该 在新标签中保留。我无法重现您在Chrome中看到的行为。

Variables should not persist across new tabs. I can't reproduce the behaviour you see in Chrome.

您应该使用 cookies ,或者如果您想成为HTML5,请查看 localStorage

You should looking at using cookies, or if you want to be HTML5, look at localStorage.


Both of these are domain specific, rather than per-tab.

例如在 localStorage 中,您可以这样做;

E.g. in localStorage, you could go for;

// Check that localStorage is supported in the current browser, and then try
// to retrieve the item.
if ('localStorage' in window && localStorage.getItem('reset') === 'reset') {

然后您就可以设置 reset 之后通过;

You'd then be able to set reset later via;

localStorage.setItem('reset', 'reset');