


I am making an Ajax call in my JSP which is recieving a JSON response.

运行alert('Ajax Response ' + respArr);会显示以下屏幕:


The Java server-side code:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException {
    try {
        String fromDate = request.getParameter("drFrom");
        String toDate = request.getParameter("drTo");
        JSONArray jsonArray = chartData.getCCSBJson(fromDate, toDate);


The JavaScript:

if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
    if(xmlhttp.responseText != null) {
        var respArr = xmlhttp.responseText;
        var jsonData = eval("(" + respArr + ")");
        alert('JSON Chart ' + jsonData); // The line from above
        var obj = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
        alert('JSON Parse' + obj);


      "xAxisName":"Bureau usage",
        "label":"SB AutoDecison",
        "label":"CC AutoDecison",
        "label":"CC Judgemental",
        "label":"SB Judgemental",


alert('JSON Chart ' + jsonData) // JSON Chart[object Object]
alert('JSON Parse ' + obj);     // JSON parse[object Object]


What I want is to parse the object and generate an Excel sheet out of the content.


var jqueryData = jQuery.parseJSON(respArr);
var obj = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
for (var i in obj) {
    alert('For loop string' + obj[i]);


It throws some 7 or 8 alerts with JavaScript code

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    alert(i + ' of respArr ' + respArr[i]);


Gives letter after letter of the JSON: [, {, ", c, h, and so on for each iteration of the loop.


Can I not just traverse the JSON like respArr[0].data or respArr[0].chart?


首先,您的Java Servlet并未真正返回字符串".是的,当您写入jsonArray.toString()时,您正在将数组转换为字符串,但这仅是为了通过网络写入它. HTTP是文本协议.因此,从某种意义上讲,doGet方法实际上返回的是HTTP响应(它恰好是文本形式,很可能是二进制形式).

First, your Java servlet is not really returning a "string". When you write jsonArray.toString(), yes, you are turning the array into a string, but that is solely for the purpose of writing it across the network. HTTP is a text protocol. So, what the doGet method is actually returning, in a sense, is a HTTP response (it just happens to be as text, it could very well be binary).


With that, when a client (in this case, your JavaScript via XMLHttpRequest) makes a GET request to your server (your servlet), it is getting back the JSON response (yes, as text). Your xmlhttp.responseText variable in this case should contain the JSON you've shown in the question.


  • JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText)
  • jQuery.parseJSON(xmlhttp.responseText)
  • $.parseJSON(xmlhttp.responseText)
  • JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText)
  • jQuery.parseJSON(xmlhttp.responseText)
  • $.parseJSON(xmlhttp.responseText)


Should all return you the same object. With this object you can access its properties the way you want to. The following should work:

if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
    if (xmlhttp.responseText != null) {
        var json = xmlhttp.responseText;
        var arr = JSON.parse(json);
        var data = arr[0].data;       // This is what you want to do?
        var chart = arr[0].chart;     // This is what you want to do?
        // try running alert(chart.xAxisName);
        // and so on

旁注:当运行alert(obj);(其中obj是对象)时,会看到[object Object],因为这是JavaScript将对象表示为字符串的方式.正如其他人指出的那样,如果您想查看JavaScript对象的内部结构,最好使用console.log(obj). (此外,升级或切换到更好的浏览器.您将可以使用更好的调试工具.)

Side note: When you run alert(obj); where obj is a object, you are seeing [object Object] because that is how JavaScript represents objects as strings. If you want to see the internals of a JavaScript object, as others have pointed out, you are better off using console.log(obj). (Also, upgrade or switch to a better browser. You will have access to better debugging tools.)