SOAP请求 - 错误:0服务器无法处理请求。 --->值不能为空。 参数名称:g


I am currently making a SOAP request from a form that I cannot seem to get working correctly. I have checked and double checked that my test values are correct and it doesn't seem to make any difference at all.

I get:

"Error: 0 Server was unable to process request. ---> Value cannot be null. Parameter name: g"

whenever I try and submit to the SOAP api. Here is my code (it is within Joomla MVC component structure so I will pick out the relevant code):

Here is my contoller form that takes the input fields from the form and puts them in an array to be sent to the SOAP api:

public function submitForm1 () {
            $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;                             
            $postVar = array();
            //$time = date("m-d- G-i-s", $_POST['dob']);

            $postVar['title']         = $input->get('title', null, 'string');
            $postVar['firstname']     = $input->get('firstname', null, 'string');
            $postVar['lastname']      = $input->get('lastname', null, 'string');
            $postVar['email']         = $input->get('email', null, 'string');
            $postVar['mobile']        = $input->get('mobile', null, 'string');
            $postVar['home']          = $input->get('home', null, 'string');
            //'dob' needs to be amended
            $postVar['dob']           = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(time()));
            $postVar['addline1']      = $input->get('addline1', null, 'string');
            $postVar['addline2']      = $input->get('addline2', null, 'string');
            $postVar['addline3']      = $input->get('addline3', null, 'string');
            $postVar['town']          = $input->get('town', null, 'string');
            $postVar['county']        = $input->get('county', null, 'string');
            $postVar['postcode']      = $input->get('postcode', null, 'string');
            $postVar['gender']        = $input->get('gender', null, 'string');
            //'membertype' needs to be amended
            $postVar['membertype']    = "test";
            $postVar['gymguid']       = $input->get('gymguid', null, 'string');         
            $postVar['rateguid']      = $input->get('rateguid', null, 'string');
            //These questions need to be amended
            $postVar['WheredidyouhearaboutFitspace'] = "test";
            $postVar['Whydoyouwantojointhegym']      = "test";
            $postVar['socialfacebook']               = "test";
            $postVar['socialtwitter']                = "test";
            $postVar['socialfoursquare']             = "test";
            //These dd details need to be amended               
            $postVar['DDrefnum']             = "test";              
            $postVar['promoguid']            = "test";
            $postVar['DDfirstpayment']       = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(time()));     
            $postVar['StartofCurrentCon']    = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(time()));
            $postVar['DDdayofmonth']         = 0; //Int
            if(isset($postVar['student'])) {
                $postVar['student'] = $input->get('student', null, 'int');;
            } else {
                $postVar['student'] = 0;
            $postVar['PT']                   = 0;
            $postVar['ContactOptOut']        = 0;
            $postVar['gyminductiondeclined'] = 0;
            $postVar['Pinrequired']          = 0;

            $model = $this->getModel('signup');


and the model function which calls the appropriate SOAP function:

public function submitForm1($postVar) {
    $client = $this->createSoapRequest();
    $url = '';
        $options["connection_timeout"] = 25;
        $options["location"] = $url;
        $options['trace'] = 1;
        $options['style'] = SOAP_RPC;
        $options['use'] = SOAP_ENCODED;

        $client = new SoapClient($url, $options);

    $response = $client->FITaddupdatemember($postVar);


As you can see I have ensured that all fields have real or test data put in and the method exists. Also, all fields thar are required have been required. I have no idea why this isn't working and Google searches have not been able to solve my problem. It's been a day or two now and was hoping somebody maybe able to help on here! Thanks James

Check with static data. Also check if the data type is correctly matching with your wsdl file.