不允许Perl / MySQL'主机'和'失败:客户端不支持服务器请求的身份验证协议'错误?


I am writing a Perl script that is being executed from a remote UNIX server. The script is supposed to connect to my localhost machine, and post some data to the MySQL server running by XAMPP. I used the following code to initiate a connection:

my $dbHost = "my-machine-name";
my $dbUsername    = "root";
my $dbPassword    = "";
my $databaseName = "myDB";
my $connection = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$databaseName;host=$dbHost", 
                               $dbUsername, $dbPassword, { RaiseError => 1 } ) 
                 or die ( "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr );

At first I was getting:

Host ... is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Then I read that I need to add the rejected host to the list of users. So I opened XAMPP Control, clicked on XAMPP->ADMIN to open phpMyAdmin, then navigated to the user table, copied the row that said host= and then modified the to the rejected IP I was getting. Then I opened XAMPP Control again, stopped both Apache and MySQL, and then started them.

Now, I am getting:

DBI connect('myDB;host=my-machine-name','root',...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at ...

I tried changing the hostname from the string-name to the IPv4 Address, and still got the same error. Also tried adding the :3306 to the end of the host, but got the same error.

Any idea what I can do to access a localhosted MySQL from a remote server?

我正在编写一个从远程UNIX服务器执行的Perl脚本。 该脚本应该连接到我的localhost机器,并将一些数据发布到由XAMPP运行的MySQL服务器上。 我使用以下代码启动连接: p>

  my $ dbHost =“my-machine-name”; 
 $ dbUsername =“root”; 
my $ dbPassword  =“”; 
my $ databaseName =“myDB”; 
my $ connection = DBI-> connect(“DBI:mysql:$ databaseName; host = $ dbHost”,
 $ dbUsername,$ dbPassword,{RaiseError =&gt  ; 1})
或死(“无法连接到数据库:”。DBI-> errstr); 
  code>  pre> 


主机...不允许连接到此MySQL服务器 p> blockquote>

然后我读取我需要将被拒绝的主机添加到用户列表中 。 所以我打开了XAMPP Control,点击了XAMPP-> ADMIN打开phpMyAdmin,然后导航到用户表,复制了表示host =的行,然后将127.0.0.1修改为我得到的被拒绝的IP。 然后我再次打开XAMPP Control,停止Apache和MySQL,然后启动它们。 p>

现在,我得到了: p>

DBI connect('myDB; host = my-machine-name','root ',...) 失败:客户端不支持 服务器请求的身份验证协议; 考虑升级MySQL客户端... p> blockquote>

我尝试将主机名从字符串名称更改为IPv4地址,但仍然遇到相同的错误。 还尝试将:3306 code>添加到主机的末尾,但得到了同样的错误。 p>

知道如何从远程服务器访问本地主机的MySQL? p> div>

This should work:

$server = 'your server';
$port = '3306';
$user = 'your_user';
$pass = 'your_pass';
$database = 'database';
$dbConn = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$database:$server:$port", "$user", "$pass")
or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;