

Is it possible get information about caller function in Golang? For example if I have

func foo() {
    //Do something
func main() {

How can I get that foo has been called from main?
I'm able to this in other language (for example in C# I just need to use CallerMemberName class attribute)

是否可以获取有关Golang中调用者函数的信息? 例如,如果我有 p>

  func foo(){
func main(){

如何从 main code>调用 foo code>?
我能够做到这一点 其他语言(例如,在C#中,我只需要使用 CallerMemberName code>类属性) p> div>

expanding on my comment, here's some code that returns the current func's caller


func getFrame(skipFrames int) runtime.Frame {
    // We need the frame at index skipFrames+2, since we never want runtime.Callers and getFrame
    targetFrameIndex := skipFrames + 2

    // Set size to targetFrameIndex+2 to ensure we have room for one more caller than we need
    programCounters := make([]uintptr, targetFrameIndex+2)
    n := runtime.Callers(0, programCounters)

    frame := runtime.Frame{Function: "unknown"}
    if n > 0 {
        frames := runtime.CallersFrames(programCounters[:n])
        for more, frameIndex := true, 0; more && frameIndex <= targetFrameIndex; frameIndex++ {
            var frameCandidate runtime.Frame
            frameCandidate, more = frames.Next()
            if frameIndex == targetFrameIndex {
                frame = frameCandidate

    return frame

// MyCaller returns the caller of the function that called it :)
func MyCaller() string {
        // Skip GetCallerFunctionName and the function to get the caller of
        return getFrame(2).Function

// foo calls MyCaller
func foo() {

// bar is what we want to see in the output - it is our "caller"
func bar() {

func main(){

For more examples: https://play.golang.org/p/cv-SpkvexuM

You can use runtime.Caller for easily retrieving information about the caller:

func Caller(skip int) (pc uintptr, file string, line int, ok bool)

Example #1: Print caller file name and line number: https://play.golang.org/p/cdO4Z4ApHS

package main

import (

func foo() {
    _, file, no, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
    if ok {
        fmt.Printf("called from %s#%d
", file, no)

func main() {

Example #2: Get more information with runtime.FuncForPC: https://play.golang.org/p/y8mpQq2mAv

package main

import (

func foo() {
    pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
    details := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
    if ok && details != nil {
        fmt.Printf("called from %s
", details.Name())

func main() {