oracle 取A表的数据,联系关系B表的id最小值

oracle 取A表的数据,关联B表的id最小值
with   a   as (SELECT A.cus_No FROM A  ,
B  where B.rel_org_no(+)=A.cus_no  and t.Stop_Flag='N' )
SELECT a.* from a
where usr_id in  (select min(usr_Id) from users group by rel_org_no )
SELECT a.* from a
where cus_No not in (
SELECT cus_No from a
where usr_id in  (select min(usr_Id) from users group by rel_org_no )  ) update 序号,按照主表进行分类

update  t set t.ord_seq=
(select num from (select rowid , row_number()over (partition by b.ord_no order by rowid ) num  from  b) c
where t.rowid=c.rowid)