

I'm looking for the go equivalent of something like the below python snippet

indexes = [0,4]
nestedArray = [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8]] # could be [][][]string, [][][][]float.. etc
def getNestedIndex(nestedArray, indexes):
  curr = nestedArray
  while indexes {
    curr = nestedArray[indexes.pop(0)]
return curr # should be 5

I tried something like this

func nestedArrayIndex(slice []interface{}, indexes []int) interface{} {
    if len(indexes) == 1 {
        return slice[indexes[0]]
    var newSlice []interface{}
    newSlice = slice[indexes[0]]
    return nestedArrayIndex(newSlice, indexes[1:])

but two things occur here - []Type != []interface{} and [][]..Type definitely won't work here.

Wondering if there's a way to achieve this in go?

我正在寻找与下面的python代码段类似的东西 p> indexes = [0,4] nestedArray = [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8]]#可以是[] [] []字符串,[] [ ] [] [] float..etc def getNestedIndex(nestedArray,index): curr = nestedArray 而索引{ curr = nestedArray [indexes.pop(0)] } return curr#应该是 5 code> pre>

我尝试过类似的操作 p>

  func nestedArrayIndex(slice [] interface {},index []  int)interface {} {
如果len(indexes)== 1 {
返回slice [indexes [0]] 
 var newSlice [] interface {} 
 newSlice = slice [indexes [0]]  
返回nestedArrayIndex(newSlice,indexs [1:])
  code>  pre> 

,但此处发生两件事- [] Type!= [] interface {} code>和 [] [] .. Type code>在这里肯定行不通。 p>

想知道是否有办法实现这一目标? p> div>

You can do that with reflect. reflect.Value has a method Index for getting the item of the index in the slice underlying the Value.

func nestedArrayIndex(slice interface{}, indexes []int) interface{} {
    v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
    for _, i := range indexes {
        v = v.Index(i)
    return v.Interface()

Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/Tmdomx18qPg