使用Hexo+ Github 建站 时 使用 hexo d 命令异常:You should configure deployment settings in _config.yml first! Available deployer plugins: git For more help, you can check the online docs: https://hexo.io/

使用Hexo+ Github 建站 时 使用 hexo d 命令异常:You should configure deployment settings in _config.yml first!  Available deployer plugins:   git  For more help, you can check the online docs: https://hexo.io/

没有安的话装使用指令安装:npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

2:检查deploy: 下面的节点 如type:这些 需要缩进。 之前是这种格式

使用Hexo+ Github 建站 时 使用 hexo d 命令异常:You should configure deployment settings in _config.yml first!  Available deployer plugins:   git  For more help, you can check the online docs: https://hexo.io/

使用Hexo+ Github 建站 时 使用 hexo d 命令异常:You should configure deployment settings in _config.yml first!  Available deployer plugins:   git  For more help, you can check the online docs: https://hexo.io/


# Deployment
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html
  type: git
  repo: git@github.com:imtudou/imtudou.github.io.git
  branch: master