



We had no problem sending notifications to provisioned devices using the development certification and gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com. But now now that our app is in the store, it appears we can't even connect to the production apn server (gateway.push.apple.com) to send pushes, even when we're using the machines that created the certificates in the first place.

我们通过PushMeBaby运行它,看起来与gateway.push.apple.com的连接被拒绝了。当它执行握手(SSLHandshake(context))时,结果是错误代码-9044,或者errSSLConnectionRefused - 对等体在响应之前删除了连接。

We've run this through PushMeBaby and it looks like the connection to gateway.push.apple.com is getting refused. When it executes the handshake ( SSLHandshake(context) ) the result is error code -9044, or errSSLConnectionRefused - The peer dropped the connection before responding.

我对ssl和加密知识得足以知道我不知道什么,但我很确定问题是(或者从我们的生产开始) SSL证书。推送通知已启用iPhone门户中的生产(我们有一个绿灯)。证书已安装在运行PushMeBaby的计算机上,我在钥匙串中看到证书和签名密钥。当我导出开发推送证书并在PushMeBaby中使用它时,我能够连接(和发送推送)没问题。但凭借生产证书,我们无处可去。我们在两*立的计算机上反复撤销并重新创建了dev证书和prod证书,所以如果这是人为错误,我们会反复进行。

I know enough about ssl and encryption to know that I don't know a thing, but I'm pretty sure that the issue is (or starts with) our production SSL cert. Push notification is enabled for production in the iPhone portal (we have a green light). The certificate has been installed on the machine running PushMeBaby and I see both the certificate and the signing key in my keychain. When I exported the development push certificate and used it in PushMeBaby, I was able to connect (and send pushes) no problem. But with the production cert, We get nowhere. We've repeatedly revoked and recreated both the dev cert and the prod cert on two separate computers, so if this is human error, we're doing it repeatedly.


One thing that may be a factor is that I have the "team agent" key on my keychain, but I'm not her. I can and have submitted binaries to the App store without any issue.


Also, we've not set up a provisioning profile after creating the production cert. I'm not sure if that's a factor, but I can't see how it might be for an in-store app.


I sure hope someone has some ideas, because I'm out of them!


Yes, I've solved this error. I lost a few days finding the solution.


result = SSLSetPeerDomainName(context, "gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com", 30); 

NSLog(@"SSLSetPeerDomainName(): %d", result);


You have to change the port to number 30. This solves the problem.