



I am assigned to implement (or better configure) a kind of http proxy server. The server should support processes like described below:

-A用户打开他的浏览器中的URL具有以下结构:HTTP://:/ RESOURCE_NAME

-A user opens an URL in his browser which has the following structure: http://:/resource_name


-Proxy server validates the resource name in the URL of the incoming http-request and determines the URL of a web-resource it should forward the original request from the client to


-Proxy server forwards the original request, waits until it gets an answer from the external web-server, and posts it back to the user

我的java中工作,但我不希望由我自己来实现代理服务器与插座玩。相反,我想使用Apache HTTP服务器。有谁知道如果能够实现使用Apache HTTP服务器的配置水平这样的任务?如果是这样,怎么样?

I'm working within java, but I wouldn't like to implement a proxy server by myself playing with sockets. Instead I'd like to use an apache http server. Does anybody know if its possible to accomplish such a task on the configuration level using apache http server? If so, how?



You can do this in Apache using the modules mod_proxy (to proxy your requests forward) and mod_rewrite (to map your external URL to the URL on your application server)

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/ mod_proxy.html

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/ mod_rewrite.html