Sap Exporting Excel exceed 65535 rows(sap导出Excel超出65535行有关问题)

Sap Exporting Excel exceed 65535 rows(sap导出Excel超出65535行问题)





Excel 2007 or higher releases supports 1048576 rows, but with XXL_FULL_API only 65536 rows can be exported to Excel.

Other terms

XXL_FULL_API, Office 2007, Office 2010, 1048576, 65536, Rows.

Reason and Prerequisites

Previously with XXL_FULL_API only 65536 rows are supported. Since, in Office 2007 Excel or higher version supports 10,48,576 rows, with this note we extend limit for XXL Export.

Important Note:
1) Even though Excel 2007 or higher version supports 16,384 columns but XXL_FULL_API supports only 256 columns.
2) With XXL Export upto 10,48,576 rows can be exported to Excel, if only when Excel 2007 or higher version is installed.
3) For Excel 2003 and all lower releases of MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 note 700206 is applicable.

Apply relevant correction instruction.