在Laravel,Laravel 5中将集体转换为数组

在Laravel,Laravel 5中将集体转换为数组


How can I transform this collection to array and eject "whereNotIn" using a Laravel query, like this:

->whereNotIn('id', ['collection'])->get();'

Collection {#259 ▼
#items: array:3 [▼
0 => {#257 ▼
  +"id": 2
1 => {#256 ▼
  +"id": 3
2 => {#237 ▼
  +"id": 6

如何将此集合转换为数组并使用Laravel查询弹出“whereNotIn”,如下所示: p >

   - > whereNotIn('id',['collection']) - > get();'
Collection {#259▼
#items:array  :3 [▼
0 =>  {#257▼
1 =>  {#256▼
2 =>  {#237▼
  code>  pre> 

In fact, to get an array, you should use pluck together with the all() method, so in this case you should use:

->whereNotIn('id', $collection->pluck('id')->all())->get();

Use pluck(attribute):

->whereNotIn('id', $collection->pluck('id'))->get();