Tour de Flex 挪动开发的更新

Tour de Flex 移动开发的更新

Tour de Flex   移动开发的更新
  Tour de Flex(桌面与web版本)今天新增了一个展示使用Flex 4.5 SDK(hero)开发的范例的区块。同时添加了下载Flash Builder Burrito(Preview) ,Adobe AIR Launchpad ,Tour de Mobile Flex 和其他能够帮助你们快速提高Flex和mobile开发速度的资源的链接。
  每个移动端范例包含有主要的MXML文档,主页view code(Flex 4.5 SDK下新加)和所需的应用描述符的更新(包括Android manifest所需的permissions)。你可以直接复制黏贴代码到你的Flash Builder Burrito程序里,使用Flash Builder Burrito附带的模拟器或者你自己的个人设备来直接运行和调试。这些范例还能够用Adobe AIR Lauchpad (免费的AIR应用)直接在一个程序里生成,如果你想快速的使用多个范例,不妨记住这一点。
  I've been doing software development since 1996 with experience working for various Fortune 500 companies all the way down to a start-up. My experience is primarily in OO languages but I enjoy constantly learning new things and I'm always up for a challenge. I also really enjoy participating and helping out in the developer community as much as possible, and have met some really great developers in the process! You can find me on LinkedIn to read more about my work experience.