

挺好的,我自己是做windows ce开发的,特别需要一个qt这样的开发框架,但国内好像在wince用qt开发的很少, 我现在在尝试编译qt for wince版本,说实话真不好编译!

就是想把环境搭建起来,然后亲自测试一下性能如何! 说是全配置版本只有8MB 这个事没有问题的!
What’s next?

Now that I mentioned the two wikis, there is another site with a lot of useful Qt content: Nokia Developer. We have mentioned before that we’re looking into options to share content between the two sites but we want to do it in a way that makes sense and gives others a similar opportunity. This needs more investigation, and we don’t know yet how we can make this a reality.

And as before, we will iron out quirks, polish some CSS, and keep working on the site as usual. Big thanks to the Trollweb crew in Stavanger, the magic Gunder, and amazing Pål from the sunny coast for their work.

And now, it’s time for pastries!


Qt does have a bright future ,is it right ? without NOkia ,there are so many programer in this communicity。。。。