

没有, TR1好像在VC8之后出来的。
看看这里http://aristeia.com/EC3E/TR1_info_frames.html 没有包含VC8.
TR1 Implementations

I am aware of the following implementations of all or major parts of TR1, but there may be others that I don 't know about.

* Boost has implemented functionality that is close or identical to most of the components of TR1. It also offers a TR1 library facade that yields native functionality if it 's available and Boost functionality if not (provided Boost has the functionality, which is not always the case).
* GCC includes much of TR1 's functionality as part of the standard library that ships with version 4 of its C++ compiler.
* Dinkumware offers a full implementation of TR1 as a commercial product.
C++标准 还没有最终定稿