

C语言弹出对话框不知道怎么实现!VC的话,#include <afxwin.h> 然后使用afxmessagebox就可以弹出对话框!

WINDOWS或控制台 assert

C/C++ code

// crt_assert.c
// compile with: /c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

void analyze_string( char *string );   // Prototype

int main( void )
   char  test1[] = "abc", *test2 = NULL, test3[] = "";

   printf ( "Analyzing string '%s'\n", test1 ); fflush( stdout );
   analyze_string( test1 );
   printf ( "Analyzing string '%s'\n", test2 ); fflush( stdout );
   analyze_string( test2 );
   printf ( "Analyzing string '%s'\n", test3 ); fflush( stdout );
   analyze_string( test3 );

// Tests a string to see if it is NULL, 
// empty, or longer than 0 characters.
void analyze_string( char * string )
   assert( string != NULL );        // Cannot be NULL
   assert( *string != '\0' );       // Cannot be empty
   assert( strlen( string ) > 2 );  // Length must exceed 2