
BYTE *GetData(CString *pString)
if(pString == NULL)
return NULL;
HMMIO file1;//定义HMMIO文件句柄;
file1 = mmioOpen((LPTSTR)pString,NULL,MMIO_READWRITE);//以读写模式打开所给的WAVE文件;
return NULL;

void CMy::OnBnClickedButton1()

// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码;
CString pString;
pString = ("c:\\g2.wav");

  GetData(&pString) ;

Return Values

Returns a handle of the opened file. If the file cannot be opened, the return value is NULL. If lpmmioinfo is not NULL, the wErrorRet member of the MMIOINFO structure will contain one of the following error values.

Value Description 
MMIOERR_ACCESSDENIED The file is protected and cannot be opened. 
MMIOERR_INVALIDFILE Another failure condition occurred. This is the default error for an open-file failure. 
MMIOERR_NETWORKERROR The network is not responding to the request to open a remote file. 
MMIOERR_PATHNOTFOUND The directory specification is incorrect. 
MMIOERR_SHARINGVIOLATION The file is being used by another application and is unavailable. 
MMIOERR_TOOMANYOPENFILES The number of files simultaneously open is at a maximum level. The system has run out of available file handles. 

file1 = mmioOpen((LPTSTR)pString->GetBuffer(0) ,NULL,MMIO_READWRITE);


GetData(CString *pString)

这个函数的参数定义为 CString 的指针了。



mmioOpen 函数定义如下:

C/C++ code

HMMIO mmioOpen(
  LPSTR szFilename,       
  LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo,  
  DWORD dwOpenFlags       