学习 python 编写规范 pep8 的问题笔记
六 命名规范
1 尽量单独使用小写字母‘l’,大写字母‘O’等容易混淆的字母。
2 模块命名尽量短小,使用全部小写的方式,可以使用下划线。
3 包命名尽量短小,使用全部小写的方式,不可以使用下划线。
4 类的命名使用CapWords的方式,模块内部使用的类采用_CapWords的方式。
5 异常命名使用CapWords+Error后缀的方式。
6 全局变量尽量只在模块内有效,类似C语言中的static。实现方法有两种,一是__all__机制;二是前缀一个下划线。
7 函数命名使用全部小写的方式,可以使用下划线。
8 常量命名使用全部大写的方式,可以使用下划线。
9 类的属性(方法和变量)命名使用全部小写的方式,可以使用下划线。
9 类的属性有3种作用域public、non-public和subclass API,可以理解成C++中的public、private、protected,non-public属性前,前缀一条下划线。
11 类的属性若与关键字名字冲突,后缀一下划线,尽量不要使用缩略等其他方式。
12 为避免与子类属性命名冲突,在类的一些属性前,前缀两条下划线。比如:类Foo中声明__a,访问时,只能通过Foo._Foo__a,避免歧义。如果子类也叫Foo,那就无能为力了。
13 类的方法第一个参数必须是self,而静态方法第一个参数必须是cls。
七 编码建议
1 编码中考虑到其他python实现的效率等问题,比如运算符‘+’在CPython(Python)中效率很高,都是Jython中却非常低,所以应该采用.join()的方式。
2 尽可能使用‘is’‘is not’取代‘==’,比如if x is not None 要优于if x。
3 使用基于类的异常,每个模块或包都有自己的异常类,此异常类继承自Exception。
4 异常中不要使用裸露的except,except后跟具体的exceptions。
5 异常中try的代码尽可能少。比如:
value = collection[key]
except KeyError:
return key_not_found(key)
return handle_value(value)
# Too broad!
return handle_value(collection[key])
except KeyError:
# Will also catch KeyError raised by handle_value()
return key_not_found(key)
6 使用startswith() and endswith()代替切片进行序列前缀或后缀的检查。比如:
Yes: if foo.startswith('bar'):优于
No: if foo[:3] == 'bar':
7 使用isinstance()比较对象的类型。比如
Yes: if isinstance(obj, int): 优于
No: if type(obj) is type(1):
8 判断序列空或不空,有如下规则
Yes: if not seq:
if seq:
No: if len(seq)
if not len(seq)
9 字符串不要以空格收尾。
10 二进制数据判断使用 if boolvalue的方式。
code | sample message |
E1 | Indentation |
E101 | indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs |
E111 | indentation is not a multiple of four |
E112 | expected an indented block |
E113 | unexpected indentation |
E114 | indentation is not a multiple of four (comment) |
E115 | expected an indented block (comment) |
E116 | unexpected indentation (comment) |
E121 (*^) | continuation line under-indented for hanging indent |
E122 (^) | continuation line missing indentation or outdented |
E123 (*) | closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket’s line |
E124 (^) | closing bracket does not match visual indentation |
E125 (^) | continuation line with same indent as next logical line |
E126 (*^) | continuation line over-indented for hanging indent |
E127 (^) | continuation line over-indented for visual indent |
E128 (^) | continuation line under-indented for visual indent |
E129 (^) | visually indented line with same indent as next logical line |
E131 (^) | continuation line unaligned for hanging indent |
E133 (*) | closing bracket is missing indentation |
E2 | Whitespace |
E201 | whitespace after ‘(‘ |
E202 | whitespace before ‘)’ |
E203 | whitespace before ‘:’ |
E211 | whitespace before ‘(‘ |
E221 | multiple spaces before operator |
E222 | multiple spaces after operator |
E223 | tab before operator |
E224 | tab after operator |
E225 | missing whitespace around operator |
E226 (*) | missing whitespace around arithmetic operator |
E227 | missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator |
E228 | missing whitespace around modulo operator |
E231 | missing whitespace after ‘,’, ‘;’, or ‘:’ |
E241 (*) | multiple spaces after ‘,’ |
E242 (*) | tab after ‘,’ |
E251 | unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals |
E261 | at least two spaces before inline comment |
E262 | inline comment should start with ‘# ‘ |
E265 | block comment should start with ‘# ‘ |
E266 | too many leading ‘#’ for block comment |
E271 | multiple spaces after keyword |
E272 | multiple spaces before keyword |
E273 | tab after keyword |
E274 | tab before keyword |
E275 | missing whitespace after keyword |
E3 | Blank line |
E301 | expected 1 blank line, found 0 |
E302 | expected 2 blank lines, found 0 |
E303 | too many blank lines (3) |
E304 | blank lines found after function decorator |
E305 | expected 2 blank lines after end of function or class |
E4 | Import |
E401 | multiple imports on one line |
E402 | module level import not at top of file |
E5 | Line length |
E501 (^) | line too long (82 > 79 characters) |
E502 | the backslash is redundant between brackets |
E7 | Statement |
E701 | multiple statements on one line (colon) |
E702 | multiple statements on one line (semicolon) |
E703 | statement ends with a semicolon |
E704 (*) | multiple statements on one line (def) |
E711 (^) | comparison to None should be ‘if cond is None:’ |
E712 (^) | comparison to True should be ‘if cond is True:’ or ‘if cond:’ |
E713 | test for membership should be ‘not in’ |
E714 | test for object identity should be ‘is not’ |
E721 (^) | do not compare types, use ‘isinstance()’ |
E731 | do not assign a lambda expression, use a def |
E741 | do not use variables named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’ |
E742 | do not define classes named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’ |
E743 | do not define functions named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’ |
E9 | Runtime |
E901 | SyntaxError or IndentationError |
E902 | IOError |
W1 | Indentation warning |
W191 | indentation contains tabs |
W2 | Whitespace warning |
W291 | trailing whitespace |
W292 | no newline at end of file |
W293 | blank line contains whitespace |
W3 | Blank line warning |
W391 | blank line at end of file |
W5 | Line break warning |
W503 (*) | line break occurred before a binary operator |
W6 | Deprecation warning |
W601 | .has_key() is deprecated, use ‘in’ |
W602 | deprecated form of raising exception |
W603 | ‘<>’ is deprecated, use ‘!=’ |
W604 | backticks are deprecated, use ‘repr()’ |