解决ubuntu10.04 上aptana的代码提示弹出框颜色有关问题

解决ubuntu10.04 下aptana的代码提示弹出框颜色问题



The issue is that Aptana uses the system tooltip color for their code assist boxes.

In the default theme on Ubuntu 10.04 this results in white on white.

For Ubuntu 10.04, go to System>Preferences>Appearance
In the Appearance Preferences window select Theme, then click the Customize button.
Select the Colors tab, and then click on Tooltips text color to change it.

Choose something that contrasts well against both the tooltip background (black) and the tooltip text (white.)

1 楼 dotjar 2011-09-09  
不行还是不行解决ubuntu10.04 上aptana的代码提示弹出框颜色有关问题