

C/C++ code
The   following   example   reads   all   the   records   in   the   Application   logfile   and   displays   the   event   identifier,   event   type,   and   event   source   for   each   event   log   entry.   

void   DisplayEntries(   ) 
        HANDLE   h; 
        EVENTLOGRECORD   *pevlr;   
        BYTE   bBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];   
        DWORD   dwRead,   dwNeeded,   cRecords,   dwThisRecord   =   0;   
        //   Open   the   Application   event   log.   
        h   =   OpenEventLog(   NULL,                           //   use   local   computer   
                          "Application ");       //   source   name   
        if   (h   ==   NULL)   
                ErrorExit( "Could   not   open   the   Application   event   log. ");   
        pevlr   =   (EVENTLOGRECORD   *)   &bBuffer;   
        //   Opening   the   event   log   positions   the   file   pointer   for   this   
        //   handle   at   the   beginning   of   the   log.   Read   the   records   
        //   sequentially   until   there   are   no   more.   
        while   (ReadEventLog(h,                                 //   event   log   handle   
                                EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ   |     //   reads   forward   
                                EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ,   //   sequential   read   
                                0,                         //   ignored   for   sequential   reads   
                                pevlr,                 //   pointer   to   buffer   
                                BUFFER_SIZE,     //   size   of   buffer   
                                &dwRead,             //   number   of   bytes   read   
                                &dwNeeded))       //   bytes   in   next   record   
                while   (dwRead   >   0)   
                        //   Print   the   event   identifier,   type,   and   source   name.   
                        //   The   source   name   is   just   past   the   end   of   the   
                        //   formal   structure.   
                        printf( "%02d     Event   ID:   0x%08X   ",   
                                dwThisRecord++,   pevlr-> EventID);   
                        printf( "EventType:   %d   Source:   %s\n ",   
                                pevlr-> EventType,   (LPSTR)   ((LPBYTE)   pevlr   +   
                        dwRead   -=   pevlr-> Length;   
                        pevlr   =   (EVENTLOGRECORD   *)   
                                ((LPBYTE)   pevlr   +   pevlr-> Length);   
                pevlr   =   (EVENTLOGRECORD   *)   &bBuffer;   