

类似于VC 界面里 project ---> code generation -->debug Multithreaded DLL


来生成 debug版的dll

CL 命令 里面有没有  

如果 有 下面的 命令

link -out:stunnel.dll /DLL ws2_32.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib comdlg32.lib libeay32.lib ssleay32.lib advapi32.lib stunnel.obj ssl.obj client.obj protocol.obj sthreads.obj log.obj options.obj sselect.obj gui.obj resources.res

还需要进行 怎么样的修改 谢谢,最近 搞这玩意 头都大了,
请过来人 给小弟 讲讲 谢谢

如果 对于 Stunnel 有 熟悉 的 并且 能给予指点下 小弟万分荣幸啊 

QQ 346966702

备注 stunnel就行


/Z7, /Zi, /ZI (Debug Information Format)
Select the type of debugging information created for your program and whether this information is kept in object (.obj) files or in a program database (PDB).


The options are described in the following table.

Produces no debugging information, so compilation is faster. 

Produces an .obj file containing full symbolic debugging information for use with the debugger. The symbolic debugging information includes the names and types of variables, as well as functions and line numbers. No .pdb file is produced.

For distributors of third-party libraries, there is an advantage to not having a .pdb file. However, the .obj files for the precompiled headers are necessary during the link phase, and debugging. If there is only type information (and no code) in the .pch object files, you will also have to compile with /Yl (Inject PCH Reference for Debug Library).

Produces a program database (PDB) that contains type information and symbolic debugging information for use with the debugger. The symbolic debugging information includes the names and types of variables, as well as functions and line numbers. 

/Zi does not affect optimizations. However, /Zi does imply /debug; see /DEBUG (Generate Debug Info) for more information.

Type information is placed in the .pdb file, and not in the .obj file.

You can use /Gm (Enable Minimal Rebuild) with /Zi, whereas /Gm is not available when compiling with /Z7.

When compiling with /Zi and /clr, the DebuggableAttribute attribute will not be placed in the assembly metadata; you must specify it in source code, if you want it. This attribute can affect the runtime performance of the application. For more information about how the Debuggable attribute affects performance and how you can modify the performance impact, see Making an Image Easier to Debug.

Produces a program database, as described above, in a format that supports the Edit and Continue feature. If you want to use Edit and Continue debugging, you must use this option. Because most optimizations are incompatible with Edit and Continue, using /ZI disables any #pragma optimize statements in your code.

/ZI causes /Gy (Enable Function-Level Linking) and /FC (Full Path of Source Code File in Diagnostics) to be used in your compilation.

/ZI is not compatible with /clr (Common Language Runtime Compilation).

/ZI is only available in the compiler targeting x86; this compiler option is not available in the compilers targeting x64 or Itanium Processor Family (IPF).

The compiler names the program database project.pdb. If you compile a file without a project, the compiler creates a database named VCx0.pdb., where x is the major version of Visual C++ in use. The compiler embeds the name of the PDB in each .obj file created using this option, pointing the debugger to the location of symbolic and line-number information. When you use this option, your .obj files will be smaller, because debugging information is stored in the .pdb file rather than in .obj files.