真机测试及布署Code Sign error问题总结

Code Sign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Developer: idf (XR9HN3TD7E)' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one. 

Code Sign Error: Provisioning Profile can't be found. 
"PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "487F3EAC-05FB-4A2A-9EA0-31F1F35760EB"; 

CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 5.1' 

No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates 

Organizer->Devices->Provisioning Profiles 中的App Identifier的com及之后部分是否与TARGETS->Summary->iOS Application Target->Bundle Identifier 相符,特别是后面的项目名称