6.3 make model, view, controller work together

6.3 make model, view, controller work together.

1. let's start to console without --sandbox param to create some record into our database:



rails console
User.create!(:name => "china zhang", :email => "china@china.com")

 to see if this work, let's use SQLite database browser to see.


2. let's create a view named 




then create a action in users_controller.rb



def show
	@user = User.find(params[:id])


we need to explain sth here, 


params is a hash for controller to use:






is a very useful method, ti will provide useful feedback, and it is very good habit to use it when you have some unexpected things happened.


3. we still need route to make things work. we will follow REST architecture.


resources :users


then you will get this route:   users/1



4. it is a good timing to git commit your changes:


git add .

git commit -m "finished first half of the user model"