


I'm a long time web developer just starting to use Git and Github for my first project. I've setup my Github repository, added a README file, committed it and pushed it to my origin master. It now shows up in Github just fine. I'm assuming that I now want to either pull, fetch, or clone this to my live site. Development is done in a separate staging area of the same live server so I'm confident that changes I make and commit will be OK for the live site. I'm not part of a team and it's a small project so I'm mostly just interested keeping a backup of code and tracking the changes.

Am I on the right track? I've tried a number of articles but I don't think I'm quite grasping it.

Thanks for any advice.

我是一位很长时间的Web开发人员,刚开始使用Git和Github作为我的第一个项目。 我已经设置了我的Github存储库,添加了一个README文件,将其提交并将其推送到我的原始主服务器。 它现在出现在Github就好了。 我假设我现在想要将其拉到,获取或克隆到我的实时网站。 开发是在同一个实时服务器的一个单独的暂存区域完成的,所以我相信我所做的和提交的更改对于实时站点来说是可以的。 我不是团队的一员,这是一个小项目,所以我只是对保持代码备份和跟踪变化感兴趣。 p>

我是否走在正确的轨道上? 我已经尝试了很多文章,但我认为我并没有把握它。 p>

感谢您提出任何建议。 p> div>

That's pretty much the git... I mean gist of it.

I think you might find this as a good resource: http://progit.org/book/

Yes that's pretty much it. I would suggest that for a free private repo, you look at something like unfuddle instead. This will ensure that no one can see your code. You can do the same with github but it's not free.