
a(int) b(int) c(int)
1 100 1
2 99 1
3 98 2
4 96 3
5 93 1
6 93 3
7 90 2
8 88 1
9 87 9
10 87 7
11 80 10

a(int) b(int) c(int)
6 93 3
10 87 7

SQL code
declare @test table(aa int,bb int,cc int)
insert into @test
select 1,100,1 union all
select 2,99,1 union all
select 3,98,2 union all
select 4,96,3 union all
select 5,93,1 union all
select 5,93,3 union all
select 7,90,2 union all
select 8,88,1 union all
select 9,87,9 union all
select 9,87,7 union all
select 11,80,10 

select row_number() over (order by aa,bb) as RowNum,aa,bb,cc 
into #TempTable
from @test

SELECT b.*  from #TempTable a left join #TempTable b on a.RowNum=b.RowNum-1
where a.bb-a.cc <>b.bb 

drop table #TempTable


SQL code
db2> select * from tb_a;
| a    | b    | c    |
|    1 |  100 |    1 |
|    2 |   99 |    1 |
|    3 |   98 |    2 |
|    4 |   96 |    3 |
|    5 |   93 |    1 |
|    6 |   93 |    3 |
|    7 |   90 |    2 |
|    8 |   88 |    1 |
|    9 |   87 |    9 |
|   10 |   87 |    7 |
|   11 |   80 |   10 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

db2> select t1.*
    -> from tb_a t1,tb_a t2
    -> where t1.a=t2.a-1
    -> and t1.b-t1.c != t2.b;
| a    | b    | c    |
|    5 |   93 |    1 |
|    9 |   87 |    9 |
2 rows in set (0.05 sec)



SQL code
db2> select *
    -> from tb_a t1
    -> where b-c != (select b from tb_a where a=(select min(a) from tb_a where a>t1.a));
| a    | b    | c    |
|    5 |   93 |    1 |
|    9 |   87 |    9 |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)


SQL code
SELECT a,b,c from tb_a as s
where ( select  last(t.b-t.c-s.b) from tb_a as t where s.a>t.a)<>0
or ( ( select  first(t.b-t.c-s.b) from tb_a as t where s.a=t.a and s.c<>t.c )<>0
   and s.c=(select  last( t.c ) from tb_a as t where s.a=t.a  )

SELECT a, b, c
FROM tb_a AS s
WHERE (( select last(t.b-t.c-s.b) from tb_a as t where s.a>t.a)<>0
and s.c=(select first( t.c ) from tb_a as t where s.a=t.a )

or ( ( select first(t.b-t.c-s.b) from tb_a as t where s.a=t.a and s.c<>t.c )<>0
and s.c=(select last( t.c ) from tb_a as t where s.a=t.a )