iOS开发中 workspace 与 static lib 工程的联合使用



1、新建一个文件夹,然后新建一个workspace, 将这个workspace放置在这个文件夹中,创建workspace的过程与创建工程类似。


iOS开发中 workspace 与 static lib 工程的联合使用

2、在这个workspace中创建一个static lib 工程

iOS开发中 workspace 与 static lib 工程的联合使用

3、在workspace中创建一个empty project

iOS开发中 workspace 与 static lib 工程的联合使用

4、工程创建完成,后面就有很多事情要做了,配置工程,empty project能够使用 static lib中的代码。

首先,在empty project 中的Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries 中添加 libTTStyles.a 

然后在 empty project 的Build Settings->User Header Search Paths 里面添加"$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)” 和“$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/static_library_name”两个选项,才能在编译的时候搜索到相关的头文件

然后,在static lib工程的 Other Linker Flags 中添加-ObjC, -all_load, -force_load 这三个选项,至少添加前两个,不然会报错,

这个是Xcode里面的一个bug, Three20里面有这么一段代码:

1 #define TT_FIX_CATEGORY_BUG(name) @interface TT_FIX_CATEGORY_BUG_##name @end 
2 @implementation TT_FIX_CATEGORY_BUG_##name @end

就是为了解决,static lib中的category无法引用 的问题,添加了一个同名的空类。上面最开始的链接里面有这个问题的解答:

The “User Header Search Paths” setting defines the headers available as quoted imports (eg “#import “MyLibraryClass.h”) while the “Header Search Paths” setting defines those headers available as bracketed imports (eg “#import ). I’ve found that Xcode will only autocomplete header names in the quoted form so I always add libraries to the user header search path even though, from my project’s perspective, they might be more appropriate as system level (angle bracketed) libraries.

When using a static library which includes categories we will also have to add the “-ObjC” flag to the “Other Linker Flags” build setting. This will force the linker to load all objective-c classes and categories from the library. If the library contains only categories “-all_load” or “-force_load” may be needed as well. See Technical Q&A QA1490 for a more detailed explanation of these settings.


在,TTProject的 scheme manage里面添加之前建立的lib文件,编译TTProjects的时候,就会先编译 statib lib的内容,然后再编译自身工程

iOS开发中 workspace 与 static lib 工程的联合使用

At this point Xcode should have detected this implicit dependency between our app’s project and the static library’s project and have automatically configured our schemes correctly. Unfortunately I haven’t found this to be the case in practice. Instead we will have to edit our current scheme and add the static library’s build target before our app’s build target.

