DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法


DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法

如果视图函数单纯返回"****"的字符串的话,flask会自动进行一些封装让他变成浏览器可以读取的格式,也就是content-type = text/html,状态码为200。

我们可以使用Flask提供的make_response 方法来自定义自己的response对象

DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法



DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法


DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法

>>>注意:make_response 想要返回页面,不能直接写做:make_response('hello.html'),必须用render_template('hello.html')形式。



DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法


DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法


Convert the return value from a view function to an instance of response_class.


rv –

the return value from the view function. The view function must return a response. Returning None, or the view ending without returning, is not allowed. The following types are allowed for view_rv:

str (unicode in Python 2) 可以传入一个字符串对象,它将被编码为UTF-8并被显示在body中

A response object is created with the string encoded to UTF-8 as the body.

bytes (str in Python 2)

A response object is created with the bytes as the body.

dict 也可以传入一个字典类型的对象,它将被先变成json格式再返回

A dictionary that will be jsonify’d before being returned.

tuple 也可以传入一个元组,包含两个或者三个元素,分别是body内容,status状态码,headers响应头(字典类型)

Either (body, status, headers), (body, status), or (body, headers), where body is any of the other types allowed here, status is a string or an integer, and headers is a dictionary or a list of (key, value) tuples. If body is a response_class instance, status overwrites the exiting value and headers are extended.


DAY 212 Flask response 响应对象和make_response()方法