
VB code

'Name.......... APIClass 
'File.......... APIClass.cls 
'Version....... 1.0.0 
'Dependencies.. kernel32.DLL 
'Author........ Zhou Wen Xing<humanhome@126.com> 
'Date.......... Apr, 17nd 2008 
'UpdateURL..... http://bbs.rljy.com/?m=vbAPIClass 
'Copyright (c) 2008 by www.rljy.com 
'Liuzhou city, China 
Option Explicit 
Private Type VariableBuffer 
   VariableParameter() As Byte 
End Type 
'API 函数声明 
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long 
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long 
Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (lpDest As Any, lpSource As Any, ByVal cBytes As Long) 
Private m_opIndex As Long 
Private m_OpCode() As Byte 
'**   作    者 :    人类(Supermanking) 
'**   函 数 名 :    ExecuteAPI 
'**   输    入 :    LIBPath(String)         -  刷新的目标窗口句柄,可为0 
'**            :    APIScript(String)       -  场景图像的宽度 
'**   返    回 :    (Long)                  -  返回零表示失败,非零表示成功 
'**   功能描述 :    动态执行类库里的API函数 
'**   创建日期 :    2008-04-17 
'**   修 改 人 : 
'**   修改日期 : 
'**   版    本 :    Version 1.0.0 
Public Function ExecuteAPI(LIBPath As String, APIScript As String) As Long 
   Dim hProcAddress As Long, hModule As Long, x As Long, y As Long 
   Dim RetLong As Long, FunctionName As String, FunctionParameter As String 
   Dim LongCount As Long, StringInfo As String, StrByteArray() As VariableBuffer 
   Dim StringSize As Long, ByteArray() As Byte, IsHaveParameter As Boolean 
   Dim ParameterArray() As String, OutputArray() As Long 
   StringSize = 0 
   ReDim StrByteArray(StringSize) 
   RetLong = InStr(1, APIScript, " ", vbTextCompare) 
   If RetLong = 0 Then 
      FunctionName = APIScript 
      IsHaveParameter = False 
      FunctionName = Left(APIScript, RetLong - 1) 
      IsHaveParameter = True 
      FunctionParameter = Right(APIScript, Len(APIScript) - RetLong) 
      ParameterArray = Split(FunctionParameter, ",") 
      ReDim OutputArray(UBound(ParameterArray)) 
      For x = 0 To UBound(ParameterArray) 
         If IsNumeric(Trim(ParameterArray(x))) = True Then 
            LongCount = CLng(Trim(ParameterArray(x))) 
            OutputArray(x) = LongCount 
            StringInfo = Mid(Trim(ParameterArray(x)), 2, Len(ParameterArray(x)) - 3) 
            If Len(StringInfo) = 0 Then 
               OutputArray(x) = CLng(VarPtr(Null)) 
               ReDim Preserve StrByteArray(StringSize) 
               ByteArray = StrConv(StringInfo, vbFromUnicode) 
               ReDim Preserve StrByteArray(StringSize).VariableParameter(UBound(ByteArray) + 1) 
               CopyMemory StrByteArray(StringSize).VariableParameter(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) + 1 
               OutputArray(x) = CLng(VarPtr(StrByteArray(StringSize).VariableParameter(0))) 
               StringSize = StringSize + 1 
            End If 
         End If 
      Next x 
      ReDim m_OpCode(400 + 6 * UBound(OutputArray)) '保留用来写m_OpCode 
   End If 
   hModule = LoadLibrary(ByVal LIBPath) 
   If hModule = 0 Then 
       ExecuteAPI = 0   'Library 读取失败 
       Exit Function 
   End If 

   hProcAddress = GetProcAddress(hModule, ByVal FunctionName) 
   If hProcAddress = 0 Then 
      ExecuteAPI = 0   '函数读取失败 
      FreeLibrary hModule 
      Exit Function 
   End If 
   If IsHaveParameter = True Then 
      ExecuteAPI = CallWindowProc(GetCodeStart(hProcAddress, OutputArray), 0, 1, 2, 3) 
      ExecuteAPI = CallWindowProc(hProcAddress, 0, 1, 2, 3) 
   End If 
   FreeLibrary hModule 
End Function 

Private Function GetCodeStart(ByVal lngProc As Long, arrParams() As Long) As Long 
    Dim lngIndex As Long, lngCodeStart As Long 
    lngCodeStart = (VarPtr(m_OpCode(0)) Or &HF) + 1 
    m_opIndex = lngCodeStart - VarPtr(m_OpCode(0)) 
    For lngIndex = 0 To m_opIndex - 1 
        m_OpCode(lngIndex) =  
    Next lngIndex 
    For lngIndex = UBound(arrParams) To 0 Step -1 
       AddLongToCode arrParams(lngIndex) 
    Next lngIndex 
    AddLongToCode lngProc - VarPtr(m_OpCode(m_opIndex)) - 4 
    GetCodeStart = lngCodeStart 
End Function 

Private Sub AddLongToCode(lData As Long) 
    CopyMemory m_OpCode(m_opIndex), lData, 4 
    m_opIndex = m_opIndex + 4 
End Sub 

Private Sub AddIntToCode(iData As Integer) 
    CopyMemory m_OpCode(m_opIndex), iData, 2 
    m_opIndex = m_opIndex + 2 
End Sub 

Private Sub AddByteToCode(bData As Byte) 
    m_OpCode(m_opIndex) = bData 
    m_opIndex = m_opIndex + 1 
End Sub