



Is it possible to have multiple components that have their separate localizations in an app?


For example I want to localize strings in my app but also use ShareKit which is localized itself (so my bundle will contain 2 Localizable.strings in different locations). So, ShareKit contains folders like en.lproj and de.lproj that contain Localizable.strings files and I want to create the same for the rest of my project but keep them separate.


I have tried just keeping them separate and that resulted in the strings of my app not being used. Any ideas?


有几个宏用于本地化,其中一个是 NSLocalizedStringFromTable()。这需要三个参数:

There are several macros for localizing, one of which is NSLocalizedStringFromTable(). This takes three parameters:

  1. 要本地化的字符串

  2. 表名称,文件名

  3. 注释,就像 NSLocalizedString()

  1. The string to localize
  2. The table name, which is just a file name
  3. The comment, just like in NSLocalizedString()

如果你使用表名,那么你可以有另一个字符串文件,即如果我做 NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@name,@MyStrings,@whatever 然后把我的字符串在 MyStrings.strings 它会使用。

If you use a table name then you can have another strings file, i.e. if I do NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"name", @"MyStrings", @"whatever"); then put my strings in MyStrings.strings it will use that.


See Matt Gallagher's recent post about this.