form 填完文本框安enter键表单自动交付

form 填完文本框安enter键表单自动提交


If you have a Web Form with just one single-line text input (even if there are additional input fields, like CheckBoxLists, RadioButtonLists, DropDownLists, and so on), hitting enter in the text input will not cause the Button Web control's Click event to fire when using Internet Explorer

1.增加 form 的 onsubmit 事件来阻止表单自动提交:(IE和火狐下测试通过,推荐)
  <form name="testForm" method="post" action="/" onsubmit="return false;">

2.在页面 form 中增加一个 <input style="display:none">

3.用 button 取代 submit :
  <input type='button' value='确定' onclick='document.formname.submit()'>