
 * 功能:用一个数组来实现三个栈


      int stackSize=100;
      int[] buffer=new int[3*stackSize];
      int[] stackPointer={-1,-1,-1};
      public void push(int stackNum,int value) throws Exception{
             if( stackPointer[ stackNum]+1>= stackSize)
                   throw new Exception( "Out of space.");
             stackPointer[ stackNum]++;
             buffer[absTopOfStack( stackNum)]= value;
      public int pop(int stackNum) throws Exception{
             if( stackPointer[ stackNum]==-1)
                   throw new Exception( "Trying to pop an empty stack.");
             int value= buffer[absTopOfStack( stackNum)];
             buffer[absTopOfStack( stackNum)]=0;
             stackPointer[ stackNum]--;
             return value;
      public int peek(int stackNum){
             return buffer[absTopOfStack( stackNum)];
      public boolean isEmpty( int stackNum){
             return stackPointer[ stackNum]==-1;
      public int absTopOfStack( int stackNum){
             return stackNum* stackSize+ stackPointer[ stackNum];

 * 思路:当一个栈的元素个数超出其初始容量时,就将这个栈扩容至许可的容量,必要时还要搬移元素。
 *          将数组设计成环状,最后一个栈可能从数组末尾开始,环绕到数组开头。
class StackData{
      int size=0;
      int start;
      int capacity=0;
      int pointer=0;
      public StackData( int start, int capacity){
             this. start= start;
             this. capacity= capacity;
      public boolean isWithinStack( int index, int totalSize){
             if( start<= index&& index< start+ capacity)
                   return true;
             else if( start+ capacity> totalSize&& index<( start+ capacity)% totalSize)
                   return true;
             return false;

class SolutionB{
      static int numOfStack=3;
      static int defaultSize=4;
      static int totalSize=numOfStack*defaultSize;
      static StackData[] stacks={ new StackData(0, defaultSize), new StackData(defaultSize, defaultSize ),
                   new StackData( defaultSize*2, defaultSize)};
      static int[] buffer=new int[totalSize];
      public static int numberOfElements(){
             return stacks[0]. size+ stacks[1]. size+ stacks[2]. size;
      public static int nextElements( int index){
             if( index+1>= totalSize)
                   return 0;
                   return index+1;
      public static int previousElements( int index){
             if( index==0)
                   return totalSize-1;
                   return index-1;
      public static void shift(int stackNum){
            StackData stack= stacks[ stackNum];
             if( stack. size>= stack. capacity){
                   int nextStack=( stackNum+1)% numOfStack;
                   stack. capacity++;
             for( int i=( stack. size+ stack. capacity-1)% totalSize; stack.isWithinStack( i, totalSize);
                   buffer[ i]= buffer[ previousElements(i)];
             stack. start=0;
             stack. start= nextElements(stack.start);
             stack. pointer= nextElements(stack.start);
             stack. capacity--;
      public static void expand(int stackNum){
             stacks[ stackNum]. capacity++;
      public static void push(int stackNum,int value) throws Exception{
            StackData stack= stacks[ stackNum];
             if( stack. size>= stack. capacity){
                   if( numberOfElements()>=totalSize)
                         throw new Exception( "Out fo space.");
             stack. size++;
             stack. pointer= nextElements(stack.pointer);
             buffer[ stack. pointer]= value;
      public static int pop(int stackNum) throws Exception{
            StackData stack= stacks[ stackNum];
             if( stack. size==0)
                   throw new Exception( "Tryint to pop an empty stack.");
             int value= buffer[ stack. pointer];
             buffer[ stack. pointer]=0;
             stack. pointer= previousElements(stack.pointer);
             stack. size--;
             return value;
      public static int peek(int stackNum) throws Exception{
            StackData stack= stacks[ stackNum];
             return buffer[ stack. pointer];
      public static boolean isEmpty( int stackNum){
            StackData stack= stacks[ stackNum];
             return stack. size==0;
