
struct s1
int i: 8;
int j: 4;
int a: 3;
double b;
printf("sizeof(s1)= %d\n", sizeof(s1));
位,折算过来是2字节2位的样子,由于double是8 字节的,因此要在相对0要是8个字节

我的问题:不明白这句"然后是a,要在3位的倍数关系的位置上,因此要移一位,在15位的位置上放下"是什么意思,a不是在j所在字节的第5位开始吗? 请高手帮忙解释解释,先谢了!

Win32平台下的微软C编译器(cl.exe for 80×86)的对齐策略: 
1) 结构体变量的首地址能够被其最宽基本类型成员的大小所整除; 
2) 结构体每个成员相对于结构体首地址的偏移量(offset)都是成员大小的整数倍,如有需要编译器会在成员之间加上填充字节(internal adding); 
3) 结构体的总大小为结构体最宽基本类型成员大小的整数倍,如有需要,编译器会在最末一个成员之后加上填充字节(trailing padding)。 
Specifies packing alignment for structure, union, and class members. 

#pragma pack( [ show ] | [ push | pop ] [, identifier ] , n )

pack gives control at the data-declaration level. This differs from compiler option /Zp, which only provides module-level control. pack takes effect at the first struct, union, or class declaration after the pragma is seen; pack has no effect on definitions. Calling pack with no arguments sets n to its default value. This is equivalent to compiler option /Zp8.

Note that if you change the alignment of a structure, the structure will not use as much space in memory, but you may see a decrease in performance or even get a hardware-generated exception for unaligned access. It is possible to modify this exception behavior with SetErrorMode.

show (optional) 
Displays the current byte value for packing alignment. The value is displayed by means of a warning message.

push (optional) 
Puts a specified packing alignment value, n, on the internal compiler stack, and sets the current packing alignment value to n. If n is not specified, the current packing alignment value is pushed.

pop (optional) 
Removes the record from the top of the internal compiler stack. If n is not specified with pop, then the packing value associated with the resulting record on the top of the stack is the new packing alignment value. If n is specified, for example, #pragma pack(pop, 16), n becomes the new packing alignment value. If you pop with identifier, for example, #pragma pack(pop, r1), then all records on the stack are popped until the record with identifier is found, and that record is popped and the packing value associated with the resulting record on the top of is the stack the new packing alignment value. If you pop with an identifier that is not found in any record on the stack, then the pop is ignored.

identifier (optional) 
When used with push, assigns a name to the record on the internal compiler stack. When used with pop, pops records off the internal stack until identifier is removed; if identifier is not found on the internal stack, nothing is popped.

Specifies the value, in bytes, to be used for packing. The default value for n is 8. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. The alignment of a member will be on a boundary that is either a multiple of n or a multiple of the size of the member, whichever is smaller.

n can be used with push or pop for setting a particular stack value, or alone for setting the current value used by the compiler. 

#pragma pack(pop,identifier, n) is undefined.