Sencha Touch 二 Card布局页面切换效果

Sencha Touch 2 Card布局页面切换效果

已知的有:Cover, Fade, Flip, Pop, Reveal, Scroll, Slide, 



 xtype: 'tabpanel',
                    type : 'pop'
                layout: {
                    type: 'card',
                    animation: {
                        type : 'pop'
                //now we specify the tabBar configuration and give it a docked property of bottom
                //this will dock the tabbar of this tabpanel to the bottom
                tabBar: {
                    docked: 'bottom'

                //here we specify the ui of the tabbar to light
                ui: 'light',

                //defaults allow us to add default configuratons for each of the items added into
                //this container. adding scrollable true means that all items in this tabpanel will
                //be scrollable unless otherwise specified in the item configuration
                defaults: {
                    scrollable: true
items: [
                    //each item in a tabpanel requires the title configuration. this is displayed
                    //on the tab for this item
                    title: 'Tab 1',
                    //next we give it some simple html
                    items: {

						html: '1',
                        centered: true

                    //then a custom cls so we can style it
                    cls: 'card1'
                    title: 'Tab 2',
                    //the items html
                    items: {

						html: '2',
                        centered: true

                    //custom cls
                    cls: 'card2'
                    title: 'Tab 3',
                    //the items html
                    items: {

						html: '3',
                        centered: true

                    //custom cls
                    cls: 'card3'



	showView: function (viewObj, animationObj) {
		var mainView = this.getMainView();
		mainView.animateActiveItem(viewObj, animationObj);



Ext.fx.layout.card.Cube is commented out in Ext.fx.layout.Card so it's currently not supported. You can try to use it but don't blame us if it doesn't work :)


Sencha Touch 二 Card布局页面切换效果