如何将选择中的所有列与 SQL Server 连接起来

如何将选择中的所有列与 SQL Server 连接起来



I need my select to have a pattern like this:

 SELECT '<text> ' + tbl.* + ' </text>' FROM table tbl;


The ideal solution would have all the columns separated by a comma in order to have that output:

具有两列的表 1 的 SQL 结果:

SQL result for Table 1 with two columns:

'<text>col1, col2</text>'

表 2 三列的 SQL 结果:

SQL result for Table 2 with three columns:

'<text>col1, col2, col3</text>' 

我尝试像这样使用 CONCAT(...) 函数:

I tried to use the CONCAT(...) function like this:

SELECT CONCAT('<text>', tbl.*, '</text>')
FROM table2 tbl


But I understand it is not so simple because the variable number of columns.


Is there any simple solution to address that problem?

我使用的是 SQL Server 2008 R2.

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.



SELECT @s =  ISNULL(@s+', ','') + c.name   
FROM  sys.all_columns c join sys.tables  t 
            ON  c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE t.name = 'YourTableName'

SELECT '<text>' + @s + '</text>'

SQL Fiddle 示例在这里

<text>col1, col2, col3,...</text>

如果您需要使用 选择查询结果集包裹然后;

If you need select query result set wrapped with <text> then;

SELECT @S =  ISNULL( @S+ ')' +'+'',''+ ','') + 'convert(varchar(50), ' + c.name    FROM 
       sys.all_columns c join sys.tables  t 
       ON  c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE t.name = 'YourTableName'

EXEC( 'SELECT ''<text>''+' + @s + ')+' + '''</text>'' FROM YourTableName')

SQL Fiddle 示例在这里
