



I have been randoming getting a Access Violation Exception when calling PInvoke, the struct version seems to work. The class version will randomly give me the Access Violation Exception. Is the issue that I have extra fields in the class version and the struct version matches exactly what the contract is expecting? I would assume extra fields shouldn't matter as the unmanaged code should only be accessing the first 3 UInt32's anyway.


What I'm afraid of is the access violation problem still exists with the struct version but just not as often.

任何帮助将不胜感激 谢谢

Any help would be appreciated Thanks

public class TStat
    private UInt32 bitfield;
    public UInt32 cbInQue;
    public UInt32 cbOutQue;
    private readonly UInt32 fCtsHoldMask = 0x00000001;
    private readonly Int32 fCtsHoldShift = 0;
    private readonly UInt32 fDsrHoldMask = 0x00000002;
    private readonly Int32 fDsrHoldShift = 1;
    private readonly UInt32 fRlsdHoldMask = 0x00000004;
    private readonly Int32 fRlsdHoldShift = 2;
    private readonly UInt32 fXoffHoldMask = 0x00000008;
    private readonly Int32 fXoffHoldShift = 3;
    private readonly UInt32 fXoffSentMask = 0x00000010;
    private readonly Int32 fXoffSentShift = 4;
    private readonly UInt32 fEofMask = 0x00000020;
    private readonly Int32 fEofShift = 5;
    private readonly UInt32 fTximMask = 0x00000040;
    private readonly Int32 fTximShift = 6;

    public bool fCtsHold
       get { return ((bitfield & fCtsHoldMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fCtsHoldShift); }
    public bool fDsrHold
       get { return ((bitfield & fDsrHoldMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fDsrHoldShift); }
    public bool fRlsdHold
       get { return ((bitfield & fRlsdHoldMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fRlsdHoldShift); }
    public bool fXoffHold
       get { return ((bitfield & fXoffHoldMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fXoffHoldShift); }
    public bool fXoffSent
       get { return ((bitfield & fXoffSentMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fXoffSentShift); }
    public bool fEof
       get { return ((bitfield & fEofMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fEofShift); }
    public bool fTxim
       get { return ((bitfield & fTximMask) != 0); }
       set { bitfield |= (Convert.ToUInt32(value) << fTximShift); }

public struct TStat
    private UInt32 bitfield;
    public UInt32 cbInQue;
    public UInt32 cbOutQue;
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "ClearCommError", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern Boolean ClearCommError(IntPtr hPort, out UInt32 Errors, out TStat Stat);


PInvoke links:

_http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/kernel32.clearcommerror _http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/Structures/COMSTAT.html

_http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/kernel32.clearcommerror _http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/Structures/COMSTAT.html


http://msdn .microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363180(v = vs.85).aspx

BOOL WINAPI ClearCommError(
_In_       HANDLE hFile,
_Out_opt_  LPDWORD lpErrors,
_Out_opt_  LPCOMSTAT lpStat

http://msdn .microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363200(v = vs.85).aspx

typedef struct _COMSTAT {
 DWORD fCtsHold  :1;
 DWORD fDsrHold  :1;
 DWORD fRlsdHold  :1;
 DWORD fXoffHold  :1;
 DWORD fXoffSent  :1;
 DWORD fEof  :1;
 DWORD fTxim  :1;
 DWORD fReserved  :25;
 DWORD cbInQue;
 DWORD cbOutQue;

在PInvoke签名中使用class类型时,它实际上是作为指向该值的指针传递的. ref / out也是如此.因此,当TStatclass时的out TStat通过双指针传递值.仅当本机参数类型为TStat**时才有意义.

When you use a class type in a PInvoke signature it is essentially passed as a pointer to the value. The same is true for ref / out. Hence out TStat when TStat is a class is passing the value by double pointer. It only makes sense if the native parameter type is TStat**.

我猜测本机签名实际上是TStat*.这就是为什么通过struct进行传递的原因,因为out struct具有与PInvoke中的TStat*相同的数据语义

I'm guessing that the native signature is actually TStat*. This is why passing as a struct works because out struct has the same data semantics as TStat* in PInvoke