[Swift]LeetCode434. 字符串中的单词数 | Number of Segments in a String


Count the number of segments in a string, where a segment is defined to be a contiguous sequence of non-space characters.

Please note that the string does not contain any non-printable characters.


Input: "Hello, my name is John"
Output: 5




输入: "Hello, my name is John"
输出: 5

 1 class Solution {
 2     func countSegments(_ s: String) -> Int {
 3         if s == nil || s.count == 0 {return 0}
 4         var word:Int = 0
 5         var count:Int = 0
 6         //按索引遍历
 7         for i in s.indices
 8         {
 9             if s[i] == " "
10             {
11                 if word > 0
12                 {
13                     count += 1
14                     word = 0
15                 }
16             }
17             else
18             {
19                 word += 1
20             }            
21         }
22         if word > 0
23         {
24             count += 1
25         }
26         return count
27     }
28 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func countSegments(_ s: String) -> Int {
 3         var count = 0
 4         var segmentInProgress = false
 5         for char in s {
 6             if char != " " && !segmentInProgress {
 7                 count += 1
 8                 segmentInProgress = true
 9             } else if char == " " {
10                 segmentInProgress = false
11             }
12         }
14         return count
15     }
16 }


1 class Solution {
2     func countSegments(_ s: String) -> Int {
3         return s.split(separator: " ").count
4     }
5 }


1 class Solution {
2     func countSegments(_ s: String) -> Int {
3         return s.characters.split(separator: " ").count
4     }
5 }