


I connect to an API and receive a JSON Data with PHP. After execute:

$countries= curl_exec($ch);
$jd_countries = json_decode($countries, TRUE);
print $countries;

The result of this is:

enter image description here

I would like to use for each to add the country_id and name to option value

So my code will be something like this:

<select name="country" class="form-control" >
    <?php foreach($jd_countries as $value){ ?>
        <option value="<?php echo $country_id;?>"><?php echo $name;?>
    <?php } ?>

I receive this:

Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\account\index.php on line 28 Array

Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\account\index.php on line 28 Array

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

我连接到API并使用PHP接收JSON数据。 执行后: p>

  $ countries = curl_exec($ ch); 
 $ jd_countries = json_decode($ countries,TRUE); 
print $ countries; 
  code>   pre> 

结果如下: p>


我想使用每个将 country_id strong>和名称 strong>添加到选项值 p>

所以我的代码将是这样的 : p>

 &lt; select name =“country”class =“form-control”&gt; 
&lt;?php foreach($ jd_countries as $ value){?&gt;  
&lt; option value =“&lt;?php echo $ country_id;?&gt;”&gt;&lt;?php echo $ name;?&gt; 
&lt; / option&gt;  
&lt; / select&gt; 
  code>  pre> 

我收到了这个: p>

注意:第28行的C:\ xampp \ htdocs \ account \ index.php中的数组到字符串转换数组 p>

注意:C:\ xampp \ htdocs中的数组到字符串转换 第28行上的\ account \ index.php数组 p> blockquote>

有任何建议吗? 提前致谢。 p> div>

<?php foreach($jd_countries['data'] as $country){ ?>
   <option value="<?php echo $country['country_id'];?>"><?php echo $country['name'];?>
<?php } ?> 

You need to convert $countries to array

$jd_countries= json_decode($countries, TRUE);

<?php foreach($jd_countries->data as $country){ ?>
   <option value="<?php echo $country['country_id'];?>"><?php echo $country['name'];?>
<?php } ?>