PyDev for Eclipse - 解析Python依赖关系(未解析的导入)

PyDev for Eclipse  - 解析Python依赖关系(未解析的导入)



I am using PyDev for Eclipse as my IDE and pip as my package management tool, running virtualenv.

每次我想在我的项目中使用/包含一些新的库或新的依赖项,我将它们添加到 pip-require 文件中。依赖关系安装在我的虚拟环境中,运行 pip install -r pip-require 后,没有问题。

Every time I want to use/include some new libraries or new dependencies in my project, I add them into the pip-requires file. The dependencies are installed in my virtual environment with no problem after running pip install -r pip-requires.

My Env :

  • Ubuntu 12.04

  • Eclipse的PyDev

  • Python 2.7.3

  • Eclipse indigo

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • PyDev for Eclipse
  • Python 2.7.3
  • Eclipse indigo



  • eclipse / pydev 不知道在虚拟环境中添加的新库。我不得不手动将.egg源文件夹添加到eclipse项目的PYTHONPATH中,以便解决所有未解决的导入,这非常令人讨厌!可以以更简单的方式解决python依赖问题吗?

  • eclipse/pydev knows nothing about the new libraries being added in my virtual env. I had to manually add the .egg source folder into eclipse project's PYTHONPATH one by one in order to resolve all the unresolved imports which was very annoying! Can the python dependencies be resolved in a easier manner?


  • 我发现如果我使用虚拟env Env / bin / python 作为解释器,屏幕截图显示,一些基本模块没有解决在日食中,例如我应该使用默认的 / usr / bin / python 作为解释器,只需添加虚拟的env, import copy,import json site-package 到PYTHONPATH?所以我可以解析两个标准的python库(例如json)和我自己的项目依赖关系?

  • I found that if I use virtual env Env/bin/python as the interpreter as the screenshot indicates, some of the basic modules are not resolved in eclipse, eg. import copy, import json etc. should I use default /usr/bin/python as interpreter and just add virtual env site-package to the PYTHONPATH? so that I can resolve both standard python libraries(eg. json) and my own project dependencies?


Make sure your system PYTHONPATH include the site-packages folder when you choose python interpreter from your virtualenv. Just like the snapshot.


Then you don't need to add them one by one into PYTHONPATH. You will need to restart eclipse (Refresh doesn't work). New models will be added.

我检查了virtualenv中的PYTHONPATH。我发现sys.path中还有一些其他路径。它们是系统默认的python安装位置。这些路径包括基本模型,如 copy json

PS:我的环境是Max OSX 10.8。请通过 print sys.path

PS: My environment is Max OSX 10.8. Please check the output of your own platform by print sys.path



I think this is the requirement of virtualenv. You need to add these paths into pydev system PYTHONPATH. Then you can use these basic modules.