如何在asp.net web api中设置标头值


Hello house,

我希望能够在asp.net web api中设置标题值/密钥,这样任何人都不能只使用网页服务除了他或她有密钥,并且,如果我可以在api端设置这个,用户如何在客户端检索此值/密钥并在使用服务时使用它。


Hello house,

I want to be able to set header value/secret key in asp.net web api, so that anybody can not just use the web service except he or she has the secret key, and also, if i could set this on the api side, how do user retrieves this value/secret key on client side and use it while consuming the service.

i have tried this, but not sure whether i am right. below is my code:

public IQueryable<PaymentApi> GetPaymentApi()
           var re = Request;
           var headers = re.Headers;
               return db.PaymentApi;
           return null;


Thanks for your response.


http://www.soapui.org/testing-dojo/best-practices/understanding-rest-headers-and-parameters.html [ ^ ]


RESTful Day#5:Web API中的安全性 - 使用动作过滤器的Web API中的基本身份验证和基于令牌的自定义授权 [ ^ ]
Follow the below link to know the best practices.

Check the below link for authentication. There are some other ways you can do the authentication.

RESTful Day #5: Security in Web APIs-Basic Authentication and Token based custom Authorization in Web APIs using Action Filters[^]