

我在Ubuntu 13.04上使用DockBook 4.5和Apache FOP 1.1。 Docbook翻译由Ubuntu提供,FOP直接从Apache下载。

I'm working with DockBook 4.5 and Apache FOP 1.1 on Ubuntu 13.04. The Docbook translation are provided by Ubuntu and FOP was downloaded directly from Apache.


Would someone please tell me how to insert an image on the right of a paragraph, where the paragraph has text, too? Bonus points if scaling works (think: thumbnail). For example:

xxx xxx xxx xxx  +---------------+
xxxxxx xx xxx    |               |
xxxx xxxxx xxxxx |     Image     |
xxx xxxx xxx     |               |
xxx xxx xxxx xxx +---------------+
xxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xx xx xxx
xx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx  xxx xxxx xx

根据在图像周围换行文字,我应该可以在数字上使用 floatstyle 。但它不适合我。

According to Wrap Text Around Image and Figure, I should be able to use floatstyle on a figure. But its not working for me.

我显然做错了,比如用错误的手指按 ENTER 。在过去的三四个小时内,我不会使用网络上的建议让读者感到失败。但它们包括数字 informalfigure mediaobject inlinemediaobject imageobject scale floatstyle ,以及无数组合中的无数其他标签。

I'm obviously doing something wrong, like pressing ENTER with the wrong finger. I won't bore readers with all the failed attempts using suggestions from the web over the past three or four hours. But they include figure, informalfigure, mediaobject, inlinemediaobject, imageobject, scale, floatstyle, and countless other tags in untold combinations.


you need to use a formatter tnat supports fo:float.



<fo:float float="right">
<fo:block text-align="center"
          border="1pt solid gray"
          font="bold italic 9pt Helvetica">
    <fo:external-graphic src="url('smile.gif')"/>
    Fig. 1: A Smiling Face