如何将工具提示添加到 primefaces 分页器链接?


-第 1 页,共 56 页"
-第 2 页,共 56 页"
我在 PageLinksRender 类的 render() 方法中添加了 title 属性.第一次加载页面时,它显示了正确的工具提示,但在单击分页器链接按钮后,工具提示消失了.

I need to add tooltip like below in paginator link button :
-'Page 1 out of 56'
-'Page 2 out of 56' etc
I added title attribute in the render() method of PageLinksRender class. First time while page is loading it is showing the proper tooltips but after clicking the paginator link button the tool tip is gone.

即使点击了 primefaces 分页器中的其他分页器链接,谁能建议我如何在分页器链接按钮中获得工具提示?

Can anyone suggest me how to achive the tooltip in paginator link button even after clicking some other paginator link in the primefaces paginator?

在 primefaces 库下的 paginator.js 中的 paginator link span 标签中添加了 title 属性.

Added the title attribute to paginator link span tag present in the paginator.js under primefaces library.