如何在c#windows Application中验证多个文本框?


我的注册表单中有 12个文本框,其中我想仅验证7个文本框。为此,我尝试了这段代码。

I have 12 textboxes in my registration form out of which i want to validate only 7 textboxes. for this i have tried this code.

public void ValidateFields()

            var controls = new[] { txt_PartyName, txt_ContactPerson, txt_mobile1, txt_add, txt_city, txt_state, txt_PinCode };
            foreach (var control in controls.Where(e => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Text)))
                errorProvider1.SetError(control, "Please fill the required field");




But this code doesn't work as expected. I have call this function on my Save button click event but it is not working well. If actually i left all the field blank then also it saves data to the database i.e not required.
So plz provide me assistance to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance

将public void更改为public boolean,检测到错误后返回false,如果一直返回true则返回true。






Change public void to public boolean, after the error is detected return false, if it goes all the way through return true.

Save depending on your validation result.

If (ValidateFields) {
// save to database

New version for validate function only IF ALL NEED TO VALIDATED:

public void ValidateFields()

            var controls = new[] { txt_PartyName, txt_ContactPerson, txt_mobile1, txt_add, txt_city, txt_state, txt_PinCode };

boolean isValid = true;
            foreach (var control in controls.Where(e => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Text)))
                errorProvider1.SetError(control, "Please fill the required field");
isValid = false;

return isValid;


If this helps, please take time to accept the solution so others may find it. Thank you.



Put all required Textboxes in a GroupBox.

Then validate as below.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (Control control in groupBox1.Controls)
                string controlType = control.GetType().ToString();
                if (controlType == "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")
                    TextBox txtBox = (TextBox)control;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox.Text))
                        MessageBox.Show(txtBox.Name+ " Can not be empty");


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