

Visual Studio 2008 Pro:

Visual Studio 2008 Pro: Ok! from the Customize section I added the toolbar commands for Watch,QuickWatch,...to the Debug menu but I want to carefully watch one variable. How do we add it to the Watch? I highlight it and try to add it but it is disabled. I want to be able to first adding some variables of interest to the watch and then start debugging the program.


You will be able to add, view and remove variables from the Watch Mode when you are running under the debugger and execution is paused. The easiest way to get into such a state:

  1. 在Visual Studio中打开项目

  2. 设置您要观看的变量范围内的代码中的断点。确保要执行的代码分支将被执行。

  3. 按F5或转到调试>开始调试

  4. 当断点为命中,可以通过以下任意一种方式将变量添加到监视窗口:

    • 右键单击代码中的变量,然后选择添加监视

    • 在本地窗口中右键单击变量,然后选择添加监视

    • 在监视窗格本身的新行中键入变量名称。

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio
  2. Set a breakpoint in the code within the scope of a variable you'd like to watch. Make sure that the code branch you're breaking on will be executed.
  3. Hit F5 or go to Debug > Start Debugging
  4. When the breakpoint is hit, add your variable to the watch window in any of the following ways:
    • Right click on the variable in code, and select "Add Watch"
    • Right click on the variable in the "Locals" windows, and select "Add Watch"
    • Type the variable name into a new row in the Watch pane itself.


Afterwards, you should see the variable name and value in the watch pane. The value will be updated as you step through the code and any time you pause execution or hit a breakpoint.