


I am working on a simple ajax example in datatables and it is not working and I am at a loss to explain it. I have a simple table as follows:

<table id="tblAddresses">
        <th>Street Address</th>
        <th>Zip Code</th>
        <th>Street Address</th>
        <th>Zip Code</th>


I have a json data source with data that looks like this (I prettied it up a bit for display here but the file is one long line with no line breaks).

{"data":[{"street":"19 * Avenue","city":"PASSAIC","state":"NJ","postcode":"07055"},
{"street":"27 * Avenue","city":"PASSAIC","state":"NJ","postcode":"07055"},
{"street":"31 * Avenue","city":"PASSAIC","state":"NJ","postcode":"07055"},
{"street":"35 * Avenue","city":"PASSAIC","state":"NJ","postcode":"07055"},
{"street":"39 * Avenue","city":"PASSAIC","state":"NJ","postcode":"07055"},
{"street":"49 * Avenue","city":"PASSAIC","state":"NJ","postcode":"07055"}]}


Finally, I load it in my document ready function:

<script type="text/javascript">
            "ajax" : {
                "url" : "/json/07055.json",
                "columns" : [{"data":"street"},


When I load the page, I see the ajax call. I can see the data accepted by the browser but DataTables is giving me an error:

DataTables警告:表id = tblAddresses-请求的未知参数'0',用于第0行第0列.

DataTables warning: table id=tblAddresses - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0, column 0.


I have worked with ajax many times before albeit never loading from a static data file. I can't find the error in the JSON or Javascript.


You are binding data in wrong way. You need to bind columns after ajax method, like bellow,

        "ajax" : {
            "url" : "/json/07055.json",
            "type": "Get"
        }, //Here end of ajax method. Now you can bind the columns
         "columns" : [{"data":"street"},
